House of Giovanni Verga

Via Sant'Anna 8. (Open Map)


The House and Museum are housed on the second floor of the 19th century palace where Verga spent his childhood and lived for many years surrounded by his family and friends. When the writer's last heir, Giovannino Verga Patriarca died, the House was bought by the Sicilian Region and after some restoration works opened to visitors.

Inside there are all the books and furniture owned by Giovanni Verga. There are more than 2600 volumes written by authors such as Giacosa, Oriani, Rod, Capuana, Di Giacomo, Deledda, Marinetti, Borgese, Villaroel, as well as Russian and French writers, such as Turgenev, Dostoevskij, Tolstoj, Gorkij, Flaubert, Maupassant, Dumas, Zola. After few years the writer's death, material regarding Verga's pioneer interest in photography was found in via S. Anna. Plates and films (now a private collection) show an interest in documentary shoots which, even if by chance, does not go to far from the veristic ideology.

The photographs reproduce mainly his family members: his mother, brothers, uncles, grandchildren, as well as the farmers who worked for Verga's family, in the Tébidi countryside, in Vizzini. The interest in photography (a technique which was an èlite hobby for the intellectuals of upper middle class in the second half of 19th c.) united Verga, Capuana and De Roberto, who made interesting experimentations.